*Conducted in English, no simultaneous interpretation service will be provided.
圓桌論壇 1
| 文化挪用,文化協議
10月31日,1500 - 1550
圓桌論壇 2
| 發掘當下資源,創造未來好生活
11月7日,15:00 - 15:50
What is "Good Living”? In Portuguese it says "Bon Vivo”and it is an indigenous Latin American concept that has been made contemporary signifying a sustainable reciprocal relationship between species - between mother nature and human beings. Dan Baron holds a set of interviews with cultural activists in Taiwan and Brazil that shows how this work and focus spreads across the world. Dan has been working in Hong Kong at various times over the last 15 years and has a strong partnership with CCCD.
Dan Baron Cohen is a community performance educator and eco-cultural activist of Welsh-Quebecois origin, living in the Brazilian Amazonian city of Marabá. After doctoral research in Oxford University, Dan collaborated with young people in post-industrial and conflicted communities at risk in northern England, South Wales and the North of Ireland. In 1998, a visiting professorship launched collaborations with landless, indigenous, trade-union and university communities across Brazil. His past 22 years have been dedicated to developing 'transformance pedagogies' in African, Asian, American and European communities. Since 2008, Dan has developed cultural action, citizen security, solar power, literacy circles and medicinal plant gardens in the Afro-Indigenous community of Cabelo Seco, recycling ing awards into scholarships for nurturing young performance education activists and collectives. Dan contributed to the Latin America Arts for Transformation Network and World Social Forum (2001-12). and presided the International Drama-Education Association and World Alliance for Arts Education (2006-10).
圓桌論壇 3
| 研究學者分享會
11月14日,15:00 - 15:50
Early career researcher sharing hub
The early career researcher sharing hub aims to facilitate collaboration between practitioners and early career researchers who are interested in community music practice. The discussion aims to encourage and promote multidisciplinary interaction, broadening the scope of experience and to enhance opportunities for local researchers. During the session,Early Career Researchers Gigi Lam, Magdalena Tang, Melody Chan; Music Therapist Michelle Tsang and Diana Chan will share their insights on research and practice landscape of community music development in Hong Kong.
文化挪用和文化協議 文化挪用(Cultural appropriation)可以理解成一種文化對另一種文化流於表面膚淺式的消費,這個做法背後缺乏上文下理的充分理解,並將可能為雙方造成災難性的後果。這裡需要思考的另一項重點是使用這些文化元素作為賺錢工具,即文化商品化,從節日服裝、選用哪些神聖的音樂,以及使用某種文化的語言來創作音樂或進行音樂教育。 原住民和不同社區就著討論(appropriation)和欣賞(appreciation)之間的界線模糊,但究竟誰才最有經驗和領導才能去為這些文化相關的事項作出最後決定?講者將闡述有關文化挪用和文化協議的一些當前想法,並在正規和非正規教育的背景下加以思考,探討我們在創作和教學時,應該如何尊重和帶有道德地認識複雜的文化歷史。
圓桌論壇 4
| 行動,社會改變
11月21日,1500 - 1550
在本節中,我們將一起探討創造力、想像力和玩樂在現實世界裡,如何成為那些戲法、想像、居住空間等不同範疇的靈感來源。在我們的成長裡,我們從小就以小孩的身份,理解周遭發生的經驗並試圖與事物作出聯繫,想像且身處在一個我們可以控制的世界,並不斷發展出不同的生活技能。 在我們的成年生活裡,兒童時的經驗方法和技能,作為一種工具可以讓我們構想出一個各自不同的理想世界,幫助我們應對當前的困苦與不安。根據著名音樂學家Christopher Small的說法,舞蹈和音樂是人類可以短暫前往理想世界的一種方式。當我們作樂時,我們將這個世界裡所珍視的價值放進樂章,並經過演奏而體驗出這些價值,最後從中學習並帶回到現實世界裡。通過這種方式,音樂和藝術交流可以為我們提供改變世界的工具,其中社區音樂把改變的力量和聲音變成了音樂形成,並邀請眾人與你一起想像。